Cider Making Open Days

Every October Mill House Cider Museum rolls out the barrel for

Cider Making  Open Day,

open to the public in the October half term.

CIDER OPEN DAY 2016 is on

Sunday 23rd October !

A day of Traditional Cider Making - Apples are crushed and pressed using the antique equipment - a chance for people to see the traditional way of making cider in the flesh. There are also  demonstrations of how cider can be made at home using simple everyday items, as well as rural crafts, games, face painting, hot mulled cider and Dorset Apple cake on sale.

The Cider Making Team (staff, and friends roped in to help) dress up in traditional costume.

A mixture of Dorset and Somerset apples are used, and are crushed in a 19th century hand driven scratter mill.

On the 19th Century Dorset Iron Screw press we use traditional long straw to build up the cheese with the apple pulp (pomace).

When enough layers are built the huge iron screws are turned to press out the juice - you can even have a taste !

Tastes of Hot Mulled Cider are offered to warm people up, and if you get hungry there is Dorset Apple Cake, biscuits and other local snacks.





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